MIGoB Membership Types:

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MIGoB typically offers various types of memberships to cater to the diverse needs of individuals at different stages of their careers and with different affiliations to the field of engineering. 

Common membership types include:

For students currently enrolled in engineering or related programs.

This membership usually comes at a reduced fee and provides resources and opportunities tailored to those beginning their careers.

Aimed at individuals who have recently graduated and are in the early stages of their engineering careers. This membership often focuses on career development and networking opportunities. 

The standard membership for practicing engineers who have met certain educational and professional criteria. It often requires proof of a degree in engineering or a related field and sometimes a minimum number of years of professional experience.

For highly experienced engineers who have made significant contributions to the field. This status is often granted through a nomination and selection process and is a mark of distinction and professional achievement.

For individuals who may not have a formal engineering background but are working in related fields or have an interest in engineering. This type of membership is inclusive of a wider audience, including educators, technicians, or business professionals in engineering-related industries.

 Offered to companies, organizations, or institutions that wish to support the association's activities. This membership often includes benefits for a number of employees and can be tailored to the organization's size and needs. 

For individuals who wish to make a one-time payment and retain membership for life. This is often chosen by more senior professionals who want to maintain a lifelong connection with the association.

Awarded to individuals who have made extraordinary contributions to the field of engineering or to the association itself. This is usually a prestigious membership category granted by the association's governing body. 

For engineers who have retired from active professional practice but wish to stay connected with the community. This membership often comes at a reduced rate and still provides access to most of the association's resources and events.

Tailored for professionals who reside outside the country where the association is based. This type of membership is important for global networking and collaboration

Sometimes offered to members of allied professions or special interest groups that align with the association's goals and activities.